Arrived at field a bit later today (around 10am) to find an early start by Tom Standing, M Glen Stefani, Gavin Gregson, Philip Thursfield Bryan Stu and Sean Xue who were already setup and flying. The morning presented reasonably good flying conditions with overcast poor lighting but virtually no wind.
By Midday, Ray Close, Dietta, Nick and Ben Boldeman had also shown up, with Peter Walker also arriving just after lunch. A great attendance outcome at the field today making it 11 including myself.
The afternoon also brought with it some fantastic weather (clearing blue skies, albeit with some gentle fresh breezes).
Tom Standing
Tom had brought with him his new Logo 700 along with his Goblin fleet. Initially, his new Logo 700 fitted with new packs seemed to bog during hard collective action. After discussion with fellow pilots, Tom upped is gov gain which was solved the issue, evident from Toms smile ear to ear following his next flight!. Tom commented during the day that whilst he still loved his goblins, he found the Logo700 a bit more tame and controlled.
"Some awesome flying today mate you seem to be improving each time I see you".
M Glen Stefani
Mick also with his new pride and joy - the Logo 700 also put in some great flying during the course of the day also.
Gavin Gregson
It was nice to see Gavins Mini Protos back in action today following last weeks motor vibes issue. Gavin told me his vibes last week were indeed due to a bad motor bearing which he replaced.
Ben Boldeman,
Here is a man who always arrives in style, today being no exception. Ben Boldeman proudly (yet cheekily) displayed his goblin collection at the pits. Goblin 380, 500, 700 and 770 all on display!. How many goblins does a man need? LOL. Bens flying didnt disappoint either
"Although your first flight was a little hairy, really enjoyed your bold flying style and fine form smacking today mate !!"
Ray Close
Ray returned to field tpday bringing his Goblin 420, which he had completed building during the week. Ray wasted no time in beating on that little machine. Watching that 420 get beatin so bad was amazing. The 420 popped and accelerated unlike any heli or thing i had seen before. A very amazingly capable machine, but equally only possible with a very capable pilot to harness its true potential!
"Nice flying today Ray! I aspire to fly as quick as you do one day."
Bryan Stu
Bryan flew his goblin logo 600sx and his trex 500 today and managed to turn a lot of heads with his unexpected trex 500 low level very fast fig 8 flying which had 60% of a nose in upright funnel included. Get that funnel going buddy. Looking great!
Peter Walker
Peters flying was a little more eventful than normal and or most flights today. Whilst i was not there to witness, apparently Peter nearly hit himself whilst flying his heli today. Thankfully no impact occured....it remindinded me about the reason for maintaining min flying clearances between pilot and heli. Otherwise Peter flew his scale Bell nitro and his Mini Protos today in fine form.
As for myself, perhaps the heading of this days post should have been more appropriayely labelled Sunday sacrifice.
I managed to put some good hard flying in during the course of the day across my 600L Dominator and the E7se 700. Whilst i was able to put some new moves together today, disaster struck during my second last flight of the day.
I also continued experimenting with my brain agility settinggs. Trying new lower agility settings on the Brain (more locked in) was playing dividends and by the day end I had reduced my agility settings to 65 on all machines with a little more force feed gain added. Really enjoying and noticing the difference in flying with these tweaks! Much more locked in.
Ironically, i had tamed down my flying for the last part of the day (trying to be a little more cautious following a rather interesting discussion regarding possible booms strikes during fast piroflips).
My second last flight was focussed on repetition of a simple trick with the e7se. I seemed to have foind myself in a trance after about the 10th repetition and dumb thumbed the collective during a backward flip plowed the e7se from a low height down landing skids first. Overall assessment not that bad, blades, main gears and few tid bits that i mostly have spares for. Luckily no bent boom or main shaft. Assessment ongoing but keen to have in flight again very soon. As i cant say enough abou this heli. Love flying it!
On a more positive note I followed up that unfortunate flight with a hard flight on the 600L dominator to knock any notion of easing up on flying in general and was happy to walk away today with a strong last flight to set the precedence for my next flying session
I managed to also complete the rebuild of the 500L dominator between flights today so looking forward to bashing the 500 and 600 around next week (if the 700 isnt completed by then).
Left in a rush around 7pm to make it home just in time to get the barbie going for a relaxing family home dinner, leaving Ray Ben, and Peter to enjoy the rest of the afternoon.
Ray i think i saw Ben eyeing out your Goblin 420 LOL. Just one more Ben???
Till next week end all. Stay safe and fly hard!
PS Ray upload that crash pic to this thread when you get a chance!
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Sunday Spectacular - Sacrifice
Discussion in 'Nabils Corner' started by gonehelimad, Jan 16, 2017.
Discussion in 'Nabils Corner' started by gonehelimad, Jan 16, 2017.