Shot of the day – Mick Dee’s Sexy Compass Exo 500 in action
As you may recall, my plans to visit the Marcs flying field and catch up with Mick Dee and the Marcs boys in late January were unfortunately cancelled.
Fast forward two weeks,
(Thursday), my stars begin to align themselves. Work commitments over the weekend (nil), Family commitments (still possible). The real possibility of making it to the Marcs flying field grows very promising indeed.
(Friday), Family commitments are moved to Sunday, Marcs Flying field visit is now locked in! (Almost symbolically, it looks like my stars have aligned themselves into two rows and the image of a bordered star - represented a lit highway directly to Derrimut with a star at the end of the highway). Wait was the X a sign?……
And so it begins - with Friday night being the disciplined last moment rituals (almost religious in nature) we RC Heli Pilots all know too well. One last thing remans ....weather….
Weather forecast leading up to the weekend has predictions of sunshine with possible isolated showers. I retire for the evening after looking over my fleet and praying for @Stormheligod to shelter the Marcs and MRCHC flying fields from any possibility of rain. Melbourne being Melbourne, I find comfort in the fact that any shower (if at all any), would be sporadic and short in nature.
Arrive at the Marcs flying field around 830am ( a little later than my preferred start – (due to a good 40-45min travel time between home and field - largely due to unexpected early morning Sat traffic). This being my first visit and with little to no knowledge of the field I rely on the trusty car GPS for an efficient direct journey.
Turning off Boundary Rd onto the Marcs site, I continue up the gravel road passing the welcoming entry gates and am immediately overwhelmed with what looks to be a sensational field layout!
The gravel drive way is bordered by un-mowed long blades of grass (or wheat) either side, with the picturesque lake Stanley / Anderson swamp in close distance West of the driveway and clubhouse..
A large expansive field area lies to the E and North of the clubhouse). The dry long blades of grass fill the entire remaining field area creating a serene golden soft backdrop and presents perfect blade / grass cutting opportunities
Approaching the clubhouse and pits area, my excitement growing by the second, I notice a large number of club members gathered around the pits with some impressive flying being conducted over the lake and out towards the rear (North) of the pits.
Moving through the pit area, I bump into a number of familiar faces including Phillip Thursfield, Adam man and Vito). I also meet Maka, Scott and a few other heli club members who initiate me into Marc’s way of things.
Maka testing his nitro NX7 / or was it a pose? LOL
The pit is littered with many Compass Chronos 700s and many new Compass Exo 500 (AHA that star shape symbol now makes sense!!!) helis on fine display, showcased in both lime green and red canopies. I notice a few Gaui Electrical and Nitro models (X5, NX7), Trex's and Compass 6HVs also scattered around but these are overpowered by the army of Chronos and Exo helis standing in proud attention for all to see on tables within the pits.
Mick Dees Chronos forefront / centre
Surrounding the perimeter of the pits are a number of petrol generators (as the site has no power). I plug into the clubs shared generator along with Phil Thursfield to get packs charged and going for the day.
At this stage (whilst waiting for batteries to charge) mixed feelings flow through me. A combination of trepidation and excitement pulse through my veins. I grow ever conscious of the great flying talent that surrounds me including Vito, Mick Dee and Adam man. Some lengthy time has passed since last watching these 3 unique and amazing pilots throw their helis round. Vito – Heliheatwave 2016, Mick Dee – Nov 2016 at MRCHC and Adam (Heligods funfly 2016 - MRCHC). I settle in for what promises to be a morning full of spectacular jaw dropping hard 3d flying with friends.
Vito flew his Chronos 700 and Exo 500 today. Vitos flying looked even more amazing than his flying at Heliheatwave 2016. A lot of low down flying off the deck smacking, tight piro'ing manoeuvres not to forget jaw dropping popping and suuuweeeeet flick direction changes. Each time Vito took to the air, it commanded respect. So much complexity in flight coupled with precision and perfect control. It was all mixed in with the sweet sound of Vitos main blade / disc loading up releasing joined harmoniously with deep blade farts that the EXO and Chronos were only too happy to share. Truly outstanding flying Vito…. Clap clap clap clap…..
Here is a video of Vito flying his EXO 500…. Very inspiring flying! That Exo500 sounds so sweet, looks amazing in the air, and moves so precisely.
I watched Adam fly his helis during the morning period. At times Adam flew his nitro heli naked.. No……….. the heli without canopy ….I don’t think I could have watched otherwise. LOL.
Adams flying also like Vito was amazing to watch. His flying lived up to and exceeded my expectations based on all of the compliments i had heard of him in the past.
Very low and fast inverted backward funnels, blade tips almost touching grass blades throughout, inverted autos, very low piroflips and loads more! ( and I thought Tonys piroflips at MRCHC were gold). Piroflips at deck level, perfect control, symmetrical and performed over 720degree rotations.. Need I say more???? Sensational! After Adam landed his heli via a very stylish inverted auto which half mobius'd into an upright auto landing, I didn't know whether to clap or just walk up and hug him.. Very great flying indeed!
Here is a video of one of Adams flight videos….. again very inspiring flying Adam!
Mick Dee (aka Mr Compass)
Today was the first time catching up again with Mr Compass Mick Dee since last years Heligods Funfly. It was good to talk to Mick Dee about the features, look and flying capabilities of the new Compass EXO500 up close and very personal. From what I saw (Flight and up close) it looks to be an amazing and very very nimble / yet powerful heli. That frame is sure unique and the ability to replace packs without taking the canopy off is a nice touch. High quality machine she sure is.
Apart from that and in between all of the high fiving on the day, Mick flew his Chronos 700 and his EXO500 (which he was resetting up / re-maidening).
Mick told me on Friday night that he had to replace the Sparton Gyro on his EXO500. His previous gyro was exhibiting peculiar behaviour during flight
- during rudder input apparently switching from programmed 600 rotation rate to a very fast 1000 rotation rate (based on visuals).
Mick installed a new gyro and reprogrammed roll rates and over a few flights readjusted all gains. With each of Mick Dees flights on the EXO500 during the day, the EXO 500 grew more and more alive. Mick flew his EXO500 in great form during his last few flights with his heli now mostly tuned in.
Micks flying particularly on the Chronos 700 was again like Vito and Adams flying amazing to watch. Snappy, fast guts and glory and very trigger happy indeed. His flying commanded lots of ooooohhhs and aaaaaaaaaahhs from those watching inclusive of me.
During one of Micks flights on the Chronos, Mick was very low, just above the grass line, aileron rolling to inverted and just as the heli approaches top of grass line, get this.. pulls throttle hold, we all gasped... oooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh nooooooooooo thinking naively it was a power failure, but Mick had bailed out just as quickly as pulling the throttle hold trigger. Afterwards Mick cheekily advised it was part of the show..... Sheeeeesh... thats game.. But absolutely brilliant! LOL. Absolutely loved watching your inspiring flying Mick Dee. Doesn’t look like your flying has missed a beat!
Here is one of Mick Dees earlier morning flights….. Videos say a lot more than I could ever attempt to describe. Enjoy!
Well amidst all of the exhilarating flying being put on by Mick Dee, Adam and Vito, there was also a lot of good flying by other pilots present in the morning including Scott and Makka (who had a short but brief meeting with @crashheligod) with his Gaui NX7- but fortunately autoed it in with little to no damage – nice save clutching his NX7 back out of the reach of @Crashheligod.
Phillip Thursfield was very game and flew his Goblin over the lake on the day also! Here is a video of Phillips flight too! Great flying Phil, Solid mate as always!
By 12pm all present had left leaving Mick Dee and I to complete a few more flights before we both called quits from Marcs at 2pm.
Mental note... really need to tame down describing my flying. After watching Mick Dee, Vito and Adam today. I realise I have a long way to go. LOL.
Frustration met me head on during the week with a few annoyances rebuilding the e7se associated with replacing the main shaft bearings, and realising that my servo horn splines had stripped rather than my servo gears being damaged ( a good thing I know - counting my stars). It was enough to stop my re-maidening the Synergy E7se dead in its tracks whilst waiting for my final parts item (Futaba round servo horns) to arrive in the mail. So again, was at the field with my trusty Trex 500L dominator and the Trex 600L dominator.
(I also picked up some SAB servo horns from Sean (Zenrc) Friday night to put on my 600 and 500).
Almost perfect conditions, by around 11am the wind had picked up from being non existent to a light breeze (a non consideration by any standard). This, together with the golden field backdrop, occasional air traffic (out of Tullamarine airport and) and the sound of hard 3d flying, laughing / complimenting and cheering / chatter provoked some of my better flying at times.
I had attempted to replace the stock canopy with the speed fuselage canopy during the week, but the new style canopy appeared to rub up against the gyro / servo connection wires causing very random tail wag during one or two of my flights. I quickly diagnosed, cut back the canopy (thinking will dremmel to make picture perfect later tonight) and the 500L was flying great again.
Have to say i love the way the speed fuse canopy only looks on the 500L so much more than the stock canopy!
I'm loving the new canopy look on the 500.
No further gyro adjustments. She sits at 600 tail rotation 500 aileron / elevator rotation, agility at 70, tail gains just right, 3000rpm head speed and great governing via the hobbywing 100a plat pro speedy. I flew the 500L quite a lot during the day putting it through lots of piroflips, hurricanes, funnels, tictocs and lots of strung together flowy moves. The field quality and fine example flying and atmosphere really pushed me on to produce some great flying overall. It felt like i was simming at times with no fear of crashing and naturally i let the flying experience totally absorb me. It was an amazing feeling!
In between the 500L flights I also flew the 500's bigger brother the 600L which again didn't disappoint. Absolutely still love flying the 600L. All of my flying was over the North and East flight lines. I wasn't game enough to fly over the lake.
Leaving the Marcs site at 2pm, I reflected on how great it was to catch up with the Marcs boys, the amazing flying shared on the day and the amazing field shared with plankers (although plankers were low in numbers and almost non existent on the day). It was a thoroughly enjoyable visit!!! and regretted not doing it earlier. If not for the distance away from home, would definitely consider making it down there more ofte. If MARCS will have me back that is LOL.
End??????...... HELL NO!
3-5pm sees me with family for a lunch outing with the kids. Followed by.... you guessed it an afternoon shift at MRCHC (back in home territory).
Arrived at MRCHC at around 5pm to see Peter McN. flying his Trex 450 solo. Apparently most MRCHC pilots had left by 2-3pm. Peter leaves shortly after my arrival and I set up for the long afternoon haul. It was a little windier now and a few short brief instances of rain did follow, but all up squeezed in another 10 flights between the 500 and 600 just messing around, mostly practising piro tic tocs, pogo piro flips, overspeeds and connecting it all together. Damn those dirt piles are big! LOL.
Eventually stopped flying at around at 8pm and just before sunset.
Another great Saturday, in fact with the Marcs experience probably the best Saturday this year for me personally.
Marcs field/boys you rock!!!!!!
Thanks Mick Dee for a great morning!
I leave with you some more pics below... Enjoy and until next weekend and as always
Be safe!
Ends this time.
All images captured in this post are copyright and remain the property of the photographer Nabil Abaki.
Reuse reposting of any content only with the expressed permission of the author.
Magic Marcs - 11/02/17
Discussion in 'Nabils Corner' started by gonehelimad, Feb 12, 2017.
Discussion in 'Nabils Corner' started by gonehelimad, Feb 12, 2017.