Info Vortex Esprit Vx1e

Discussion in 'Spartan RC' started by MadBird, Sep 6, 2014.

By MadBird on Sep 6, 2014 at 12:34 PM
  1. MadBird

    MadBird Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    The VX1e finally turned up for the E7SE this Wednesday. I didn't order a datapod yet as there is USB capability built into the unit and a beta version of Spartan Studio is available.

    A few people have been having issues with USB connection problems causing the VX1e to reset randomly and lose some or all of the settings that have just been programmed in. I was hoping that I would be one of the lucky ones who did not encounter this issue, but alas it was not to be and I encountered the problem of the USB drop outs on four different laptops. By the way, from reading forums etc, there are absolutely no issues when programming with the datapod.

    The good news is that the owner of Spartan - Angelos Gonias - is a super bloke and very easy to talk to when you have problems. Thursday night, after some facebook messaging, he sent me a pre-release version of the new firmware to try and hopefully sort out the USB issues. The new firmware worked wonders and the USB connection is now rock solid. We have since been discussing a couple of other little issues that may need attention, but for now everything is sweet!

    The VX1e is a piece of cake to set up with Spartan Studio and if the heli is mechanically set up correctly for a start then to do a basic initial setup without gov or playing with the expert settings it should only take 20 minutes or so to be ready for a test flight. My VX1e is only set up for one flight mode at the moment which I have set to 3D. Everything else has been left at the default settings that the unit gets when you program in your preferred flight style.

    I have only had one quick flight this morning to see how the VX1e performs and all I can say is WOW!! Out of the box this thing is rock solid in the head and tail, I am only running 106's on the tail at 1800 and 1900 rpm head speeds, so I am getting a tiny bit of tail movement on full collective in puts and a tiny bit of overshoot on the stops. After a couple of tuning flights I should be able to correct this no problems at all. Tracking in fff is locked in and holds great through big loops and hurricanes.

    So far I am very impressed with the VX1e and cant wait to get more flights on the E7SE with it.


Discussion in 'Spartan RC' started by MadBird, Sep 6, 2014.

    1. feral

      feral Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Give the BK preset a go its smoother than the 3d preset
    2. MadBird

      MadBird Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Will do feral, I'll set up flight modes and and program a couple of different styles in and take her out for another flight or two this arvo.

      One thing I forgot to mention was that I ended up using the KBUG option in the throttle section. I have a Kosmik 200 and I was not getting the swash and tail zips as the VX1e initialised when ESC was selected. With KBUG enabled the ESC and Vortex both initialise correctly.
    3. feral

      feral Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Thats the go mate.

      I change the piro rate down to 500 from the bk but everything else is stock.
      Flys great
    4. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Looking forward to trying mine... but I like to have 2 cables to the fbl ... but there's no spare port on it.. I'm running futaba...

      Thought I could use a y connector with the extra power and throttle into sv5...

      May need to get that custom firmware for when mine comes in with the goblin
    5. MadBird

      MadBird Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      All ports across the top can accept power - DataPod, Rx, SV1, SV2, SV3, SV4,and SV5. The RPM and AUX ports cannot.

      This guide talks about the VX1 & VX1n. The esprit is the same as the nano as far as the ports are concerned.

      Angelos should be releasing the firmware possibly in the next day or so, once his pilots have given it a sufficient flogging to make sure there are no bugs.
    6. feral

      feral Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Easy fix just supply power to dpod port and to your rx
    7. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Didn't get a datapod so that's out.. I knew I could apply power via those connections but wondering if anyone has done a y connector with the throttle...

      Guess I'll work it out
    8. MadBird

      MadBird Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Ahh cool - yes a Y lead will work with any of the ports that are on the main power bus.

      If you have troubles when you get your VX1e and the firmware still hasn't been released then send Angelos a message here
    9. feral

      feral Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I did a y lead on a mini vbar to throt channel worked fine
    10. helladies

      helladies Active Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      :( I want one. I was going to get one, but opted out due to budget.

      Next paycheck, next paycheck
    11. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      New firm ware has been released for the usb bug
    12. feral

      feral Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Thanks @Manyc ill update my 2 before they go onto birds
    13. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Ok.. not sure if I should continue this thread or start a new one... I may start a new one for tuning issues.. something @feral would know all about.. so here are my impressions of give it a work out on stock settings.. I picked mine up from

      Setup in itself is easy.. the software is very clear and concise.. Radio templates can be downloaded if needed for the most popular radios... Wiring is pretty standard, tho the lack of a spare port to power the unit direct if running futaba is a bit disappointing. I like to run 2 power wires into the FBL for redundacy. One I plug into the RX and have power transfered by the SBUS cable, and one directly into the FBL. To get around this, just used a Y-Adapter for the esc and extra power into the SRV5 port.

      It is important to note... that the Flight Modes which other FBL's refer to as Banks, is controlled in my case by the Gain channel. You cannot change the gains on the tail via the radio.. This will cause you problems. there is a way to change a single setting at a time in the vortex, but you need the datapod for this. I will look into it and work it out eventually.

      Tail setup is important. I cannot stress enough the 200% throw it is after on the tail. If you do not get close to or above this, you will have reduced tail performance. On the BK Tail servo, using futaba horns, even tho the manual for the heli I was setting up, states the middle hole, I had to reduce it to the lowest one. If I was on the mid one, I had a constant tail wag... Moving to the lowest hole, reduced the mechanical gain, and got me my 200% throw and produced a nice tail.

      NOTE: Do not use the tape/foam they supply, I find it messy, hard to remove, and allows the unit to rock... I replaced it with some 3M vibe tape.

      As previously known, some people where having issues when disconnecting from the device, the setting would revert to defaults.. A new firmware has been released to fix this issue. There is no video on how to update it as there is for the other variations... but if needed you can get the firmware from
      Instructions here :

      Please note that during major version changes it will wipe your settings back to defaults.. so keep that in mind and validate everything is functional before doing any flying..

      Support for the unit is nice, and Bert K does a lot of video's and help with it, as well as Bob O from helifreak. There is a very nice online manual that explains an awful lot...

      So I set my unit up on 3D mode, and I enabled "Flight Modes" also known as banks. I wanted to fly it stock just to see how I liked it, and if any changes needed to happen....

      the first flight it felt nice, flew well... piro's nicely.. did have some pitch up tendencies on FFF. The heli did not do any unusual behaviours during flight.. and was quite acceptable.. for a stock settings it should be pretty comfortable, if not a little tame for most pilots...

      Ok... however like most people, everyone wants little different things out of how their FBL flies. For me personally, I found the cyclic slow, and a bit un-responsive, and I felt the tail could be a bit more "locked" for lack of a better term. All these are 100% tunable, and I will start up another thread discussing it...

      Overall this is a very nice unit, very compact, would fit nicely in the smaller 450's and even 300's better than most other units... For the price, you cannot beat it. I am looking forward to seeing and electric governor, and the lack of Self Leveling, may see some new pilots choose the ikon over it for that feature alone. But since I have never used SL, and your after a cheap well performing FBL, take a look...
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    14. HeliGod Father

      HeliGod Father Administrator Staff Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      Truly inspirational work then @Manyc. This helps us all immensely. You truly are on the path the heli-elightenment but be careful who you make friends with . Im not to sure about @Crash Minion... is he with us? Is he against us...
    15. Crash Minion

      Crash Minion Member

      May 8, 2014
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      I dont know myself @heligodfather. You rejected me from the chapel. @Crash Heligod beats me, you reject me - my only friend is @Manyc - but nice review @Manyc very informative..
    16. HeliGod Father

      HeliGod Father Administrator Staff Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      Truth is @Crash Minion I don't know either. You have an allegiance with @Crash Heligod and love the smell of burning carbon. What else are we to think? Are you working as an insider? Its just too risky. I would love to save your helisoul but i just cant be convinced that you are genuine....
    17. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      To be honest crashing is like death and taxes... cant avoid them... hmm... @Crash Minion why is it now that I can do some really bad 1/2 piro tic tocs?
    18. Crash Minion

      Crash Minion Member

      May 8, 2014
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      These are unspoken benefits @Manyc.....
    19. ArgyPak

      ArgyPak Active Member

      May 19, 2014
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      Guys I've installed one in a Trex 250, just because of the small size of the unit . I also found problems with the USB connection, but found that if I used a cheap USB cable the unit had connectivity issues. What this means, I don't know.
      I also found that I could only get 10 deg of negative pitch but that will need further investigation . Overall out of the box pretty impressed with the stability . Piros were not consistent on the first session, but after checking the mechanics on the tail it's much better now.
      That's my two cents....

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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