(Jaws theme music). Just when you thought it was safe to fly gassers, its back, ....
Its no secret, not everyone has had happy success with this engine.
But, I have managed to have my GT 15 HZ engine last, here is my tips / what I did:
- Break in and tuning, be very patient and conservative.
- Always run a bit rich in the mixture.
- 95 unleaded fuel (Premium).
- I used a good oil, Castrol Fully Synthetic Motorcycle Racing 2 stroke.
- When mixing the fuel and oil, I was pedantic, and always added an extra bit of oil ( a drop or so).
- I did a warm up slow circuit or two at low power before going into idle up 1.
My thoughts, O.S. should make an engine with much more CC, and collaborate with airframe manufactures to make an after market frames to fit it, much like gas powered thoughts have done for the Zenoah type engines and getting it into a Goblin, Agile, Synergy etc.
Or a dedicated model like the MA whiplash.
Info O.s. Engines Gt 15 Hz Version 2
Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by HungryHungryHippos, May 23, 2018.
Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by HungryHungryHippos, May 23, 2018.