Hi All.
Let me first explain the title.
I vape therefore I am. @Andrew R and I vape. This is just a nicotine replacement therapy. We get cool bits of kit, that turn liquid nicotine into vapor, inhale it and get our fix. This stops the the government taxing the shizzle out of us - and stops us smoking cigarettes. By giving up smoking, I save enough for a full candy TDR each year plus more. This thread is all about vaping, if you have no interest in vaping or smoking, browse away now.
The title came from a text from my brother, @Andrew R . We refer to vaping as "blowing clouds", but in Apple's wisdom, the auto-correct changed 'clouds to clowns'. Ever since then, I ask him if he has been blowing clowns!
Anyway, This thread is to help any pilot that smokes cigarettes and wants to save enough by giving up to buy a wicked piece of kit. Now I know a few Vapers, these would be
@Andrew R
Here's you chance, put what you use, any cool links, pics of your vaping kit, and any thing else that will help our fellow pilots give up the stinky's (cigarettes). In the words of the Angels, Let the night roll on...I'll add to this tomorrow.
Banter Blowing Clowns !!!
Discussion in 'The Pits' started by simon, Mar 10, 2015.
Discussion in 'The Pits' started by simon, Mar 10, 2015.
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