Thats right, its been one year of glorious Heligods! And again another coincidence that is too hard to believe. Our first birthday lands on friday 13th. Its been a wild ride so far and we want the journey to continue as long as it can. Thanks everyone for being part of our special community. Thanks vendors for supporting us, you mean so much to us, not only on a business level but a personal level as well.
Thanks to all our US supporters as well with a special thanks to @Geena. We hope to continue making this place a unique haven for all RC Helicopter enthusiasts. Long Live Heli Gods.......
Regards The Heligod father, Crash Heligod, Storm Heligod, 3d Heligod and (soon to be) F3C Heligod
Notice Today Is The Heligods Birthday.
Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by HeliGods, Mar 13, 2015.
Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by HeliGods, Mar 13, 2015.