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Learn to Fly 3d RC Helicopters

Forgive me father, for I have sinned,

I have commited Sloth, the desire of ease, I have been spending time flying a Blade 450 3D instead of repairing my Hirobo SDX which I had put into the ground.

But the worst is the abomination I have created, I have attached a 3GX controller and Trex to a Mikado flybarless head.
Any tips on orientation practice ?
Whats your Blade Choice ?
So whats the most popular Blades ?
Any one have a Maxi 800 up and going yet ?
Cant wait to see what people have got ..

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    Just like you, Heligods staff are regular everyday fliers. Join our forum and participate in what will become the worlds greatest rc helicopter forum..


    A big thank you to the following people who helped us put together this site:

    Pope Francis

    Deli Lama

    George Bush

    Gene Simmons (aka Crash)