Notice Gryphon Auto Booster Lite Remote Operated Glow Igniter

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by HeliGods, Sep 16, 2014.

By HeliGods on Sep 16, 2014 at 12:02 AM
  1. HeliGods

    HeliGods Mark - Administrator Staff Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Remotely ignite your Helicopter!


    The Gryphon Auto Booster bring ease of use to the starting of your nitro helicopter. This is a remote starting device that allows you to heat your glow plug up at the flip of a switch. The slim design combined with the hard plastic case, its an excellent choice for any pilot that wants to downsize the toolbox. Not just limited to the helicopters, you can use the Auto Booster in just about every nitro application. Kit includes alligator clip for connection to glow plug and a lead for connecting the negative to your motor housing. Also includes a patch cable for interface between Auto Booster and your Receiver.


    • A total of 5 steps of glow plug heat intensity are possible & selectable.
    • The automatic fuse circuit protects the receiver from excessive current drain in the event of a short or abnormal over-current.
    • Glow plug can be remotely ignited with a transmitter by using a receiver channel (Gear, AUX, etc) – The glow ignition operation can increase engine power rapidly during hard 3D flight if activated.
    • The Plug ignition can be confirmed through LED and buzzer sound. If the plug is bad, the LED and/or buzzer will not activate.
    • Equipped with an output terminal for an optional high-output external buzzer. Useful in the event that your heli crashes and you can’t find it, just flip on the glow igniter and it will start buzzing very loud.
    • The plug can be automatically ignited by the flip of a switch on your transmitter.

    For more information on this product click here.

    Continue reading...


Discussion in 'Industry News' started by HeliGods, Sep 16, 2014.

    1. timmy

      timmy Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Good write up and great product, you can find this item in Australia at all good RC retailers too.
    2. helladies

      helladies Active Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      Wow thats pretty convenient! I was really annoyed by having to take a glow starter and having something else to charge at the field. (When I had a nitro heli that is)

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