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Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by Adolf, Sep 29, 2014.

By Adolf on Sep 29, 2014 at 6:40 PM
  1. Adolf

    Adolf Active Member

    Mar 11, 2014
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    I dont normally post much but i do read alot what goes on here...Today I am walking my dog around the local park where kids and people come to visit. And this young boy (20 ish?) brings out a brand new trex 550 and starts to try to hover ! He did not have control, it was all over the place. There were kids nearby so i came up to him and told him he should not do that. Well i know i might have sounded abrupt but I was concerned. He abused the hell out of me and told me to f... off. He even raised his fist at me. This surely is a catastrophe waiting to happen! With idiots like this our hobby could be doomed..Do you think we should mind our own business when this sort of thing happens?


Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by Adolf, Sep 29, 2014.

    1. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      It's a hard one... I would say something even if he knew what he was doing... maybe it's all about the approach...

      No-one likes to be told what to do by stranger who just walks up...

      Maybe next time express interest in it.. be subtle but show your knowledge of the subject.. then suggest he hit up the local club.. maybe subtle drop the whole your liable if something happens...

      Don't know.. it's a hard one...
    2. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Phew tough one... I gather the dude would not realize how dangerous the helis can be but when they spool up, its pretty obvious. If that Heli happened to hit someone, I think it might change how we fly forever.
    3. Captain

      Captain Active Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      We should never mind or own business with this sort of behaviour.
      Firstly, flying heli's is a hobby shared by thousands, so why wouldn't you speak up. We all have to suffer the consequences of others. Being a hobby I think we all like to share our experiences & knowledge.
      Secondly, if its dangerous then idiots need to be told. Certainly your mannerism can make a difference but the obvious still needs to be said.
      Personally. I would have called him a dick but offered help & a chance to see me & others fly.
    4. mr_squiggle

      mr_squiggle Well-Known Member

      Apr 29, 2014
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      Speaking up is the right thing to do. Just look at what the result of not saying anything has been for multi rotors......
      It takes a lot more bravery to speak up than walk away.

      Citizen #186
    5. HungryHungryHippos

      HungryHungryHippos Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I like Manyc's approach, express an interest in it, get on his side then explain things gently.

      Yes the guy was in the wrong, yes you did they right thing, yes you do not need to be abused.

      Like Captain point out, we should never mind our own business, as far as I am concerned if something is done in public, its everyone's business.

      The other thing that may have been done, (hindsight, always a wonderful thing) , if he continued to fly afterwards, was to video him with a mobile phone camera if you had one, and if he had a car, take a happy snap of his number plates. I have had dealings with the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority professionally with full scale aeroplanes, and they make the police, taxation department, and mafia look like good natured door mats. I dont know if they would take a park flyer seriously if he violated the 30 meter rule in Australia? Does anyone know?
    6. Stuart

      Stuart Active Member

      May 10, 2014
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      Yeah I think you should have got a big stick and used it like a blind person. Tap, tap, tap, left and right as you walked toward the heli.. Acting kinds awkward throw the stick at the spooled up heli and run off screaming like a crazy person, zig zagging, rating and raving about a guy trying to kill you with a helicopter.


      I doing really think that but I thought it might be a laugh... :)
    7. Fredo

      Fredo Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      Here’s my actions to this dilemma.
      On many occasions I have come across this situation. I would approach the offender in this manner:- Firstly I introduce myself and show an interest in his activity, whether it be helicopters or planks ,I ask If I can help. Then I invite him to my club where I can sign him in as a visitor and look after him during his visit. If it’s a RC helicopter I invite him to my shop where I can go through various checks on his build and radio set up so he has a better understanding of what to expect. If he chooses to accept and comes to my shop I would offer him a session on my sim so he can experience without fear what it’s like to fly his new toy. Just yesterday a phone call from a complete stranger asking to purchase set up tools I invited him to my shop so I could assist him. Well he came and after 2 hours of showing him and assisting him to how to set up and program his radio for his new T-Rex 700, hopefully he left my shop with a clear understanding of what to expect. Yes I did invite him to my club but as usual he declined saying he knows of a park where he can test his bird. What happens from now I don’t know but I wish him well and hope he doesn’t make it in the news? I would say from my experience that my approach has on many occasions got these park flyers into local clubs enjoying this great hobby! Some of you are probably wondering if there was any fee involved with the above but like you I will assist a new-bee for free as he simply shares the same passion as I. Although he didn't need any help one of my success into getting a new-bee out of the parks and vacant land and into a club is the famous RADAR.
      Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
    8. Ant

      Ant Guest

      What we need to remember is that we know how to fly helicopters and also the risks involved.

      Put yourself in this guy's shoes. A complete stranger comes up to you and starts having a go at you about your flying. The most natural reaction is to go defensive because we all think we know what we are doing and damn anyone who tells us otherwise. So, the approach is the key. As mentioned already, express an interest in the model and try to make small talk. If the guy still shrugs you off, then you need to play hard ball and get photographic evidence. I would rather dob the guy into the authorities than risk him hurting someone or the hobby.

      Hobbyshops can point a newbie in the right direction, but when it comes to buying 2nd hand stuff there is, unfortunately, no control. We all have a responsibility to ensure our hobby remains safe and enjoyable.
    9. Adolf

      Adolf Active Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      Maybe my approach was a bit to strong, I have been told that before but not intentional. I was thinking of the kids playing nearby. I actually didn't hang around because I think he was on the verge of bashing me...Thanks for the advice everyone.
    10. Mark Mickels

      Mark Mickels Well-Known Member

      Apr 26, 2014
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      I think you did the right thing. Ask the ding dong, "what is the worst thing that could happen here". I don't know if that would work, but it is a thought.
    11. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      Well I think you need to be forceful, if my child was hit I'd be out for blood...It is not good enough to stand by. Tell him to learn at a club and save money on crashing or eat a bag of dicks and frack off, simple as that. Or, as an after thought, encourage a hard trick to put it in for him. I don't want to see anyone hurt, or the ridiculous laws and restrictions that will come when someone like this makes the 7:00 news.
    12. feral

      feral Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      CASA isuued a $8000 on the spot fine to someone flying a multi closer than 30m to people over a beach in Sydney.
      Cant remember exact details but it was in the sunday paper
    13. HungryHungryHippos

      HungryHungryHippos Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      And thats what I mean by CASA making the taxation department and mafia look like door mats you can walk all over in comparison.
    14. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Wow! so people cant claim ignorance? I have seen many multi rotors flying over residential properties so in reality they could be exposed to the same litigation....
    15. Captain

      Captain Active Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      I don't think ignorance is viable in any law.
      sent from my giant Nokia 1320 Windows Phone.
    16. Ant

      Ant Guest

      Ignorance is not an excuse.

      Unfortunately we still live in a society where rc models are considered toys and Joe Public is completely unaware of the rules and implications. Vendors (as in those selling rc toys but not involved in the hobby itself) are as much to blame, because their main aim is to make money.

      Consider the scenario if this guy hits a member of the public. He has no insurance, so the injured party takes him to court for damages. He pleads ignorance of any rules because the vendor did not make it clear what they are. Now he and the vendor get sued and the vendor closes down. The vendor may be a honest to god shop that made one mistake or a fly by night seller. The outcome is the hobby gets a bad name and more regulations are created stifling the hobby.

      Everyone who is a member of a club is also a safety officer and this does not only apply when we fly at the club. We all have a responsibility to promote the hobby, but also safeguard it. We will never stop people attempting to fly at the local park, but we should always try to educate them. If we succeed, great, if not then walk away and let the higher-ups take care of it.
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    17. Captain

      Captain Active Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      I agree that business should act responsibly but not be accountable. We assume that the buyer has purchased a product in original packaging & supplied with relevant paper work. This has most of the information an individual needs. It is always up to you to know if you are abiding by the law no matter what you are doing.
      sent from my giant Nokia 1320 Windows Phone.
    18. Stephen

      Stephen Member

      May 6, 2014
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      ArkRc have CASA pamphlets on their counter that explain the rules clearly for UAV work. I agree that we need to speak up and at least talk to those in local parks putting our hobby (Not to mention lives) at risk. I also agree that our initial approach can set the tone for the rest of the interaction if we are pleasant there is a good chance they will be too.
      Failing that get a photo,video or rego as suggested and pass it onto the local council and CASA.
    19. HeliGod Father

      HeliGod Father Administrator Staff Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      Dear @Adolf thank you for your assertion, this could save a life. However the situation is not always as straight forward as it first appears. If someone wants to do the wrong thing we are quite often presented with an awkward position. Do we try the soft approach, the hard approach or do we just ignore it.

      I think the soft approach should be tried first. After that, either abort the mission or if you feel it justified escalate to the hard approach. Its hard to know how people react until afterwards where you have either befriended the person or are nursing a black eye with a bag of frozen peas. If you are nursing the black eye, CASA could be your counter punch.

      At any rate at least you have put a message forward - more than what many would do.

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