Info The Orlando Helicopter Blowout.

Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by Geena, Dec 7, 2015.

By Geena on Dec 7, 2015 at 2:39 PM
  1. Geena

    Geena Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2014
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    I am in the process of recovering from one the most amazing weekends of my helicopter career. Four days at TORCHS helicopter club attending OHB 2015. There was so much to do this year, that they had to extend it to four days this year.

    Thursday was pretty much taken up by the speed cup, which was really cool to watch. Some of those speed machines are just crazy fast, and sound really mean. I was beginning to think that they were too fast for even @Crash Heligod to catch, until Justin Pucci`s Diablo Speed tossed a tail rotor grip and went down in the trees and briars....about 100 meters in. Just about the whole flight line swarmed the area like ants....and we found it for him. Which was a miracle, because that thick jungle has claimed several 700 size machines that were never found.

    Friday, was open flying and general fun. Bavarian Demon put on a "carnival games" Session on the North end of the field, with a bottle knock contest, 30 second hover contest, and a new one called ball toss. There were about a dozen plastic balls of various weight placed into a ring with a 40-50mm ridge around the circumference. The object was to take off, fly to the ring, and use rotor wash, skids or what ever means you chose, to get the balls out of the ring. One the balls were removed from the ring, you were to land in the circle you took off from Time stared when the skids left the ground and stopped when the touched down in the starting circle. It was MUCH more difficult than it looked too. I did not participate, because team pilots were ineligible to do it. But I had a blast being the time keeper.

    Saturday, was open flying until Noon, and then the demos started. Nick Maxwell was working the Blackout edition Diablo over with a vengeance, and Dunkan Bossion was tearing it up all day with the Soxos 700. Then there was the auto contest last in the day where @Crash Heligod claimed my TSA 700E.

    Today, was just a lazy day, and it was more like a day at the local flying field than anything. I got to meet one of my friends from Facebook, who just got into flying helicopters. I spotted for her, and she spotted for me, and we had a great time.

    I also have a bit of exciting news as well. I was approached by another airframe company on Thursday, and after a lengthy talk with the team manager and the head of the company... I decided to sign on with them. So the 2016 flying season will flying a new brand of helicopter. I will reveal the brand when they publicly announce my welcome to the team in a few days.

    I really had a wonderful four days at OHB, and I am completely drained. It has been a great fun fly season, but part of me is glad it is over for a few months.


Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by Geena, Dec 7, 2015.

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